Environmental cubism

Environmental cubism is a visual segmentation of the external environment into squares and cubes of varying amounts and sizes. [1] Once established, these segments can begin to slowly drift away from their original location and will often change in size, leaving gaps in-between them. The space within these gaps can either be completely dark or composed of tightly bound visual geometry. This effect is remarkably similar in its appearance to cubist photography and artwork.

This dark space can eventually grow, progressively decreasing the size of the cubes until a person finds themselves surrounded by a dissociative hole. It is not uncommon to be able to innately feel and detect the details and layout of both the different sections of the distortion and the gaps between them.

Environmental cubism is often accompanied by other coinciding effects, such as scenery slicing and visual disconnection. It is most commonly induced under the influence of heavy dosages of dissociative compounds, such as ketamine, PCP, and DXM.


  1. Aldous, H. (1954). The Doors of Perception. Heaven and Hell-Flamingo, London. p. 22. | https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Aldous_Huxley#The_Doors_of_Perception_(1954)




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